Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Renegade Craft Fair

this past weekend we headed to Chicago for the Renegade Craft Fair Holiday Sale. we met lots of nice folks, ate good food, and had good times. here are a few photos from the weekend:

maybe next time we won't start our drive at 2am during the first snow storm of the year. but it sure was pretty...

stuck in snow traffic somewhere on I-65.

the fair was at the Pulaski Park Fieldhouse, which looked like a lil gingerbread house on the outside...

and like an old elementary school/renaissance theater on the inside.

our booth.

our friend/boothmate Tiffany, of Darling Handmades

Nate (Mr. Darling Handmades)

familiar faces! we were happy to be right across from Louisville pal Laura Fauna. and she brought her lovely mom.

more Louisville pals! Mary Yates & Ron Jasin (Mr. Mad Pixel.)

heaps of thanks to Jess, Carly, Mary, and their kitty for letting us stay with them & introducing us to cupcakes in ice cream cones.

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